Items filtered by date: May 2022
Friday, 20 May 2022 14:21

Event Change

Please note that the SecS#3 has been changed to the Fencing North age banded competition for the U15 and U17. This competiton is very suitable for confident beginners and school fencers. We will award ranking points, which will be used for upcoming Secondary School competitons. Top 4 places will recieve medals and of course the chocolate prizes. Look out for the registration in the calendar.

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Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 04.04.2022

 Meeting Opened:  7:10 pm (Microsoft Teams)

Present: Ben Upton (Secretary), Fiona Campbell (Tournaments and Acting Health & Safety), Peter Butler (President), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Mary Black (Tuatahi), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer), Sunnie Sun (Vice President, Massey), Matt Stanley (Whangarei), Judit Flizar (Schools Rep)

In attendance: Felix Lun (Referee organiser for Easter Carnival)

Apologies: Katie Logan (NZ Fencing Academy); Kirsten Hansen (Media)

Minutes of last committee meeting

These were read at the meeting and approved.

Matters Arising: 

Easter Carnival – Peter Butler outlined the preparations for this tournament.  There was a need to arrange referees.  Felix Lun spoke to that. 

Peter Butler highlighted the need for as much assistance as possible for set up.  Numbers at this stage are good and most likely breakeven at least at this stage.  There was a loss underwrite from FENZ.

Treasurer’s Report

Amanda Hopkins spoke to her email report.  There is a current cash balance of $59k.  Some of this is committed to pistes and (re. Trusts cash grant) future venue hire.

Various payment approvals were voted on and approved.


See above report re. Easter Tournament.

There were the schools after that.

Whangarei Update

Matt Stanley updated matters relevant to Whangarei and the creation of a new club under his guidance.  There was a discussion about the support that could be offered.  The club has a number of new beginners and there was a request to see if some of the FN gear may be available.  This was discussed.




Kirsten Hansen was unable to attend but Ben Upton read her email report.  Acknowledged that Kirsten was doing a great job on this.  Some assistance will be sought in order for her and others to operate the Website.

Health and Safety

Nothing to report.  Some planning needs to be undertaken around the Easter Carnival.  Covid is having a significant impact.

Fundraising and Venue

Nothing to report.  A replacement for Rhy Greensill is still required

Other Business:  

No other business

Confirmation of next meeting date – Monday, 2 May 2022.

Meeting Closed:   9:00 pm.

Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 17.03.2022

 Meeting Opened:  7:00 pm (Microsoft Teams)

Present: Ben Upton (Secretary), Fiona Campbell (Tournaments and Acting Health & Safety), Peter Butler (President), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Dave Elder (Salle Jean Louis; also as President FENZ), Mary Black (Tuatahi), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer). Rhys Greensill (Fundraising)

Apologies: Sunnie Sun (Vice President, Massey)


Amanda and David (as President FENZ) updated matters discussed at the last FENZ meeting.   FENZ wanted to proceed with the Easter Carnival.  There is the AGM coming up. 

Other items of interest for Fencing North:

Oceania Foil Fencing Course

  • Regional funding for Oceania Foil Fencing Course (Level 1).  This is a trial and funded 50% by Oceania Fencing.  Online course developed by some Canadian coaches (Global Fencing Masters).  Likely cost for Fencing North participants is c.$350 per person.  Likely to be around 3 Fencing North participants.  So likely total cost is $1,000.    
  • The likely participants are not yet known. 
  • There was some disquiet around not knowing who the participants would be.  There was the option of asking the clubs / individuals. 
  • This would be reviewed when we knew who the people are.
  • There was also a view that some support was possible, but those participating also needed to have some ‘skin in the game’.

Easter Carnival

  • FENZ has decided to proceed with that.  There are 6 weeks between now and the competition and matters could evolve.  There may be late changes but this was acknowledged.
  • There still remain a number of outstanding questions around the running of the competition, which were not addressed at the FENZ meeting.  Of those three core issues – Participation; Duration; Refereeing.
  • Refereeing will be organised locally with a few outside referees invited to attend.  Anja and Judit to be head referees.  They will have to come up with the officials team, with Katie’s costs.
  • FENZ resisted the idea of making the tournament shorter.  The days are set, but once numbers are clearer, times may be adjusted (later start / earlier finish for example).
  • There will be a DT panel.  This usually will be the Tournament Organiser, Head Referee and the organiser of the draw (Heather Claydon).   
  • We need to be very mindful of cost given the risk around cancellation and also because the 4 days will required (by FENZ directive) yet participation could well be low.
  • Some of the practical aspects are being looked at – Tape / carpet use for pistes etc.

Minutes of last committee meeting

These were read at the meeting.

Matters Arising: 

Nothing arising.

Treasurer’s Report

Amanda Hopkins was absent from the last meeting but it was noted that she had provided an email report. 

She sought approval of several payments:

  • Oliver Agnew $606.70 for website.
  • Waitakere Venue Hire Bond - $500 for Easter Carnival.
  • Waitakere Venue Hire for W Dawn - $345.
  • Camp refunds - $200.

These were approved. 

It was also agreed that any future payments or reimbursements around tournaments and low-value operational payments (up to $1,000) could be paid by Treasurer / supported by Tournament Organiser without Committee approval against invoice / receipt.    These to be disclosed at subsequent committee meetings as appropriate.

Ben Upton to talk to Oliver Agnew to discuss movement of Fencing North website account to Fencing North.


Maja reported the W Dawn (39 Fencers) was a success and ran at a profit.  The entries for the Fenton are currently at 35.  There are no complaints about the $20 late fee. 

Women’s epee is run with the women fencing in a mixed competition, and then via a separate DE competition later. 

There is a teams competition in the calendar – Intended to be a club based tournament.  Kyle MacDonald to be contacted about this.  There is a social aspect to this tournament which needs to be emphasised.


Kirsten Hansen is doing a good job.  Nothing to report. 

There is a need to encourage foil and find someone who is prepared to be a sponsor to encourage tournament participation.  This is something to be worked on.  Covid may be having an impact

FENZ has asked that we input our calendar dates into its calendar.  This is to be actioned where possible – Peter Butler to be sent the access instructions.

Health and Safety

Nothing to report.  Some planning needs to be undertaken around the Easter Carnival.  Covid is having a significant impact.

Fundraising and Venue

One application to Trusts is in for $10,000 for the Easter Tournament.  Trusts appears keen and the application was in time.    

Another application is in for operational costs is due in at the end of the month (up to $4,000).

Resolved that these applications be pursued on the basis set out.

Also resolved that Rhys Greensill had general authority to progress suitable applications.  Specific resolutions to be prepared as required. 

Other Business:  

No other business

Confirmation of next meeting date – Monday, 4 April 2022.

Meeting Closed:   9:05 pm.

Fencing North Inc. Committee Meeting – 16.02.2022

 Meeting Opened:  7:00 pm (Microsoft Teams)

Present: Ben Upton (Secretary), Fiona Campbell (Tournaments and Acting Health & Safety), Peter Butler (Equipment Officer), Maja Saran (Head of Tournaments), Sunnie (Vice President, Massey), Viccki Fan (Auckland Swords), Chris MacDonald (Salle Jean Louis), Katie Logan (NZ Academy of Fencing), Rhys Greensill (Fundraising), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer).

Apologies: Dave Elder (former President), Mary Black (Tuatahi), Matt Houtman (High Performance Fencing), Judit Fliszar (Schools Rep), Matt Stanley (Whangarei Swords), Kyle MacDonald (Mount Albert Grammar), Amanda Hopkins (Treasurer).

Nomination of Peter Butler as President

Ben Upton outlined the background and moved Peter Butler’s

The Executive present all voted in favour.  Noted that Ben Upton held proxies for MAGs (via Kyle MacDonald), High Performance Fencing (Matt Houtman) and Tuatahi (Mary Black).

Confirmation of the Previous Minutes:  Minutes approved.

Matters Arising: 

Nothing arising.

Treasurer’s Report

Ben Upton and Peter Butler summarised Amanda Hopkin’s email report to them.  Positive balance of $47k in the bank.  Camp was positive and made a profit.   There are some (not major) expenses to address. 

The report was noted.  This can be updated and confirmed at the next meeting.


All agreed that this was a success.  It was commented that we now had a good formula and should be repeated.  There was a very good spirit and most had positive comments.  Good also to see that it was a success financially.


Maja reported on competitions.  Bubble went well.  The Covid framework was good and worked for the tournament.  The Venue staff at Trusts was helpful on this.  The FENZ Covid policy may not be correct in terms of numbers, and so we will be following Trusts (and Te Pai) guidance on this.

Given the numbers involved in fencing, this is not really an issue.  There are ‘bubble’ possibilities that can be explored in relation to some of the bigger tournaments.

We are trying to encourage out of towners.  They currently have free entry.  This can be kept under review, but at present keeping that policy in place is sensible, provided a profit is made.  The higher late fee penalty seems to be working.

Registrations for this weekend’s tournament (Fenton) are good.

Maja raised the Easter Carnival.  It will be a huge challenge given the Omicron outbreak and apparent expectations around size and timeframe.  Maja is organising, with Heather as DT.  Maja will not be available to run this as she will be isolating post travel.

There is a current indicative budget of $25,000, although 50% is for officials (travel and accommodation).  Costs could be reduced if the tournament was shorter and official subsidisation around travel and accommodation slashed. 

Noted that the national schools was run on a $12,000 budget and ran at a relatively sizable loss.  So there is a significant concern that even at that level we would incur another loss which is not welcomed. 

There are, therefore, still a number of issues that need to be agreed with FENZ.  Peter indicated that he would be able to speak with David on this, in consultation with Maja.

It is understood that the situation is fluid with 6 March 2022 being a date on which a decision on whether to proceed or not can be made by FENZ.     

Peter and Maja will speak to David Elder / officiating commission to negotiate what is possible.  A small loss is bearable, but not a large one.   The concerns to be discussed:

  • Cost – what is subsidised re officials and what is not?  Can other regions fund?
  • Duration – Does it really need to be 4 days?  2 days may be posslble
  • Is it realistic given Omicron?  Noted here that many competitors may not be able to turn up and could be disadvantaged as a result.

Agreed that this was the right course.

Maja and Peter to report on this at the next meeting.


Adita has left NZ but the website is now working, re. the Calendar.  Kirsten could potentially take over the website eventually, once she is more familiar with fencing.  She is otherwise doing a great job on Instagram and FaceBook.

Ideally we would want a refresh of the website.  Chris MacDonald indicated that he would assist.

We would like to see some more curated images, and use of FB live for some events should be more carefully controlled. 

Health and Safety

No incidents to report.  Fiona Campbell (as acting) has said that she can take on that role for remaining 2022.  She is currently certified.  The current first aid kit is well supplied and adequate.  We should add spray ice, which Fiona will procure.

Motion to that effect passed.

In the course of the discussion around reimbursement it was noted that we should check delegated authority around spending. 

Fundraising and Venue

Rhys Greensill reported.  Concluded that given the price movements that anything in the City is outside of our reach.  We are realistically having to look at City fringe, but clubs have no interest.  Situation continues to be monitored.

Fund raising is difficult with Covid.  Applications can be made.  Rhys sought direction around what areas should be focused on. 

More club support is essential, however.  Especially around initiatives.  Rhys noted that he had no support from Clubs (other than Tuatahi) for a ‘proof of cause’ to Auckland Council, which ended up having him organise an event at Selwyn himself.  This netted $15,000 and created a new club.  However, this was essentially only Rhys and there was not the necessary buy in from clubs.  On that basis Rhys will not be progressing a similar initiative this year.

Each Club reported on reasons why they were unable to support.  This largely revolved around Clubs facing their own issues (venue, lack of effective organisation, or having a different focus – e.g. university only focus).

In terms of initiatives -  There are no big ticket items other than potentially carpet tiles for Te Pai and metal pistes.  More thinking required here.

Agreed that Rhys would pursue an initiative to try and get a letter together a proposal to seek funding for venue hire costs.          

FENZ news

Peter Butler gave a brief report as he attended the last FENZ meeting.  There was quite a bit of discussion around the Commonwealths and Covid.  David Elder nomination as President. There is a desire to try and make the Easter Tournament progress. 

Other Business:  

No other business.

Confirmation of next meeting date – Monday, 7 March 2022 at 7pm principally to discuss the Easter Tournament.  Thereafter, with a plan to have it as first Monday of the month going forward.


Meeting Closed:   8:40 pm.

Tuesday, 03 May 2022 18:37

Mark Rance Announcement

It is with the deepest regret that Fencing New Zealand must advise you all that our good friend and immediate past President, Mark Rance,  passed away today, after a relatively short illness.

Our thoughts are with his wife Julianne, his family, and with all the members of our small community whose lives he touched.

Mark gave so much of his life to fencing in New Zealand and internationally, and will be sadly missed.

We will advise details of his funeral as soon as they have been arranged.

Kia Kaha everyone

Published in News
Tuesday, 03 May 2022 17:16

Registration for Fenton open

We keep going: registration for Fenton here. Please note we are trialling a new registration site. If something is not as it should be let us know. See you at the Fenton.

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