Location: Kristin School, Roy Munn Gymnasium, 360 Albany Highway, Albany 

Weapons: Foil

Training Times: Every Saturday during school term 9.00 - 10.30am

Contact: Judit Fliszar, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 021 566 650

Website: http://www.aucklandfencingschool.com

JF Fencing School specialises in teaching beginner fencers to love and get involved in this sport. This is a preparation class where we teach fencing from a really young age (8 years old). Our goal is to teach the concept of fencing to young children with fun, get their interest through games and fun exercises to have a good basic knowledge about footwork and technique. Once they have achieved a certain level they will be transferred to and start competing under North Harbour Fencing Club.

This is a strictly beginner course led by Professional Coaches, Qualified Physical education teachers and fencers with great experience. 


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